Simpson Associates’ chosen charities for Q2

This year, Simpson Associates have chosen to support MIND, an award-winning mental health charity dedicated to providing mental health support and services to those who need it. They campaign for change to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding, as well as give advice and support to individuals with any mental health issues.

As well as a nationwide charity, each quarter we are committed to supporting a cause closer to home – either a local charity or one which holds significance to an employee. This quarter, we are sponsoring Brinscall Village Juniors Football Club, a grassroots club which provides opportunities for children of all abilities to play football. One of the coaches is David Mitchell, a Lead Consultant here at Simpson Associates, who is also on the club committee. Supporting this football club will allow them to keep the club running as a vital part of many children’s childhoods, particularly after such a turbulent year.

Brinscall Village Juniors Football Club