The University of Nottingham – Management Information Hub
- Information was being collected, analysed and reported with little systematic integration.
- Too much time was being spent waiting for MI that was sometimes not sufficiently consistent to support important decisions.
- A MI solution was required to enable the University to make informed decisions, monitor progress, and to inform strategy and planning at all levels.
- Substantial preparation was required to ensure that the objectives were clear, the expected benefits understood and all stakeholders be kept well informed.
- A proof of concept was developed to demonstrate the ability to report authoritatively from a complex array of data sources.
- An MI Hub was built in stage by stage, progressively instilling confidence within the Executive Board.
- Key Performance Indicators defined in the University Plan were included, as were many other reports and measures to support analysis.
- Dashboards were developed which provided comprehensive coverage of all aspects of performance relating to taught provision down to course level.
- Reporting against performance objectives in a completely transparent manner is helping to increase cross-campus integration and BI maturity.
- The MI Hub has also delivered against the less obvious goal of supporting deeper organisational change to enable future success.
- A foundation has been put in place for developing good strategy to understand where the University is and informing decisions about where the University might go.