Pensions company collaborates with Simpson Associates to combine Sharepoint, SQL Server and IBM Cognos BIs to empower the Executive Management Group.
- Following re-organisation, the new business areas were hampered by a lack of information in a readily accessible format.
- The Executive Management Group meetings spent valuable time reviewing past performance rather than planning future direction.
- The company wanted to utilise existing technology investments in Cognos, SQL Server and Sharepoint and combine them with new development.
- There was a strategic plan to develop an application that would exploit Microsoft Surface platforms as they became available.
- The application utilised the majority of Cognos reports that were already in use within the business avoiding re-development of valuable, user accepted content.
- The application used Sharepoint to deploy information portals, a corporate theme and the entry of commentary and additional data.
- The system delivered automated dashboards and scorecards that interpreted information for senior executives informing them of their key performance metrics and trends.
- The use of technologies familiar to RPMI facilitated a smooth user adoption and business change process.
- Dashboards have replaced 400 page documents.
- The Executive Group is focused on the future.
- The business shares information and can comment and discuss collaboratively.
- Management time has been optimised.
- Existing assets have been further utilised, enhancing their ROI.
- Existing user knowledge and skills have been fully utilised.