Paint and wall paper manufacturer Farrow & Ball supports its ambitious growth plans with a powerful business intelligence solution.
Farrow & Ball
- To build a self service BI system which could support Farrow & Ball’s growth plans.
- The project had to be completed in an aggressive time frame and it was critical to integrate Sales and Financial key metrics.
- Integrating Microsoft and IBM software into a coherent architecture required expertise and guidance.
- Simpson Associates built a Microsoft SQL Server data warehouse and an IBM Cognos Business Intelligence application, which would underpin sales, reporting and analysis.
- Simpson Associates provided training and workshops to ensure knowledge of the tools was gained by the business.
- The application was designed to maintain the performance of the core ‘line of business’ system.
- Improved speed and accuracy of Business Intelligence performance allowing decisions to be made quickly.
- “Self-service” business insights by finance employees reducing internal IT support.
- A “single point of truth” for sales and financial information improving accuracy of decision making.
- Rapidly adapt to market trends to maximise stock holdings.
- Clarity of customer buying patterns, influencing subsequent marketing messages.